Calculate your risk of developing dementia

Are you wondering if you have an increased risk of developing dementia? With the help of a simple questionnaire, you can find out whether or not you have an increased risk.

Start the test

A Modern Memory Clinic
- Improving your brain health

For memory problems, we help you identify possible Alzheimer's disease and other conditions affecting brain function at an early stage.
We also help you find out if you are at increased risk of dementia.
Whatever we find out, we will help you with a tailored treatment. Welcome to a modern memory clinic!

Meet a specialist directly
Get answers to your concerns
Tailor-made treatment plan
Patient fee: 300kr
In conjunction with
1177 citizen's guide
Dementia Association
Alzheimer's Foundation
Karolinska Institute
Rating: 9.6/10

Answers to frequently asked questions from you:

"Dementia runs in the family, so I want to know if I am affected"
- Marianne, Stockholm
"The waiting time for an assessment at the medical center was 10 weeks. On I got to talk to knowledgeable staff right away.
- Hans, Helsingborg
"My forgetfulness was taken seriously and someone listened to my problems"
- Ann Marie, Fagersta

Quick test - guidance on the need for memory assessment

Are you doing the test for yourself or for a relative?

Quick test

Our quick test is designed to help you understand if you may need a memory assessment.

*To get results you need to provide correct contact details*

  • You can always discuss your concerns directly with your health center. 

  • By continuing, I confirm that I have read
    privacy policy

Quick test for relatives

Our quick test for relatives is designed to help you understand whether a relative may need a memory assessment.

*To get results, you need to provide correct contact details*

  • By continuing, I confirm that I have read
    privacy policy

Contact details

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What is the main reason for taking the rapid test?

By understanding why you are taking the rapid test, we can make a better assessment

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How old are you?

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What year is it now?

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What month is it now?

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Memorize these words. You should remember them for an upcoming question.

Time left: 00:30

Chair, Wallet, Pliers, Harmonica, Scissors

Face, Bus, Church, Tulip, Red


Do you experience a change in judgment (e.g. problems making decisions, poor financial decisions, problems thinking)?

"Yes" to the following questions indicates that there has been a change in recent years*


Have you experienced a decrease in interest in hobbies/activities?


Are the same questions, statements and stories repeated over and over again?


Have you noticed difficulties with learning new devices, tools, or gadgets? (e.g., computer, microwave, or remote control)

Numbers and letters

Has it become more difficult with reading, calculating, or expressions?


Has it become more difficult to manage financial matters (e.g., paying bills)?


Has it become more difficult to remember appointments and plans?


Are memory problems a daily issue?

Which of the words was not on the list you saw earlier

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Your answers indicate no/mild symptoms.

Based on this result, we do not recommend further memory testing at this time.

You are welcome to repeat the rapid test later if your symptoms worsen.

Brochure on cognitive impairmentBrochure on cognitive impairment (for family members)Do the test again

The result suggests pronounced cognitive problems that may need to be investigated.

Make an appointment with one of our nurses to start a memory assessment.

If you have any questions, we can contact you.

Thank you for your answers!

Your answers have now been submitted!

If you wish to choose a time when we contact you with your results, you can book an appointment below. Otherwise, we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Brochure on cognitive impairmentBrochure on cognitive impairment (for family members)
Book an appointment

Thank you for your answers!

You have now answered all the questions on the quick test!
We will be in touch as soon as we can with your result!

Brochure on cognitive impairmentBrochure on cognitive impairment (for family members)
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Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

Have you experienced increased memory difficulties?

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

Have you found it more difficult to read, count or difficult to express yourself?

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

Have you been falling more often than before?

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

Have you had more difficulty coping with practical chores at home, such as cooking, washing, making coffee, or keeping track of your medications?

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

Do you feel that your personality has changed, for example getting angry more often or finding it hard to take new initiatives?

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

Have you found it harder to concentrate?

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

Have you found it more difficult to find your way indoors?

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

You don't describe any symptoms. There are no reasons for further investigation.

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

You describe limited symptoms. It is unlikely that you have a cognitive disorder. If your problems have a significant impact on your daily life, it may be worth investigating anyway.

Quick test - should I take a memory test?

Answer 7 questions for guidance regarding any need of a more comprehensive assessment

You describe several profound symptoms and are therefore recommended a further investigation

3 reasons to prioritize your brain health


Reduces your risk of developing dementia


Helps you detect disease earlier


Has the ability to improve your cognitive function

Here's how it works

It starts by booking an introductory appointment with a specialist nurse.
During the appointment, we will look at your specific problems and what you want help with.
At the end of the consultation, you and the nurse will agree on what to do next. This may include a memory assessment, a more comprehensive risk analysis for future dementia or starting treatment.

Our aim is to create a tailored plan based on your needs, and to help you follow it through.
Through frequent follow-ups and measurements, we make sure you improve your brain health.

3 reasons to prioritize your brain health


Reduces your risk of developing dementia


Helps you detect disease earlier


Has the ability to improve your cognitive function

It starts with an introductory interview with a specialist nurse.

Before the interview, you will be asked to answer a few questions that will help the nurse identify areas that may be particularly relevant and linked to your future disease risk.
During the consultation, we will look at your specific problems and what you want help with.

At the end of the interview, you and the nurse will agree on what to do next. This may include a memory assessment, a more comprehensive risk analysis for future dementia or starting treatment.

Our aim is to create a tailored plan based on your needs, and to help you follow it through.
Through frequent follow-ups and measurements, we ensure that you improve your brain health.

Brain health for everyone

Do a digital evaluation of your memory and other cognitive functions - receive guidance and advice on how to keep your brain healthy.

We'll do an objective assessment of the status of your brain, based on methods from the latest research. We provide support to identify possible dementia, such as Alzheimer's, but also other factors that affect brain functions, such as burnout and depression.

What does impaired brain health entail?

Impaired memory and cognition can manifest itself in many ways but does not necessarily mean that you are developing dementia. Similar problems can occur with, for example, stress and sleep difficulties.

Read below about how deterioration of memory and other cognitive functions can manifest itself in everyday life.


You'll have a hard time keeping up in a conversation, knowing what you're going to talk about, maintain focus, or follow written and oral instructions. You may also have difficulties with mental calculations.


You'll have a hard time remembering what just happened, what happened yesterday, last week, or what someone has just said. It can also be challenging being on time or know what day or year it is. Remembering what was said in a conversation and the names of people you know can be difficult. You forget meetings, appointments, or invitations.


You'll have trouble recollecting and understanding words. You use rewrites or simplifications of words. It can also be difficult to speak a foreign language you used to master well.

Executive functions

You feel listless and find it difficult to do what you've set out to do. You find it challenging to solveing tasks like paying bills, using credit cards, following an instruction manual, or using appliances.

Spatial perception

You'll have trouble getting around in environments familiar to you as well as in new settings. You may find it difficult to drive or park your car, especially in the dark. You may also find it challenging to adjust body movements, such as sitting down on a chair or drawing three-dimensional shapes.


Personality, habits and behavior change. You get mood changes such as depressed mood, irritation or reduced energy. You can become more impulsive, have difficulty perceiving social cues, becoming more uninhibited, emotional, or feeling more indifferent. You may also get more upset and angry than you normally get.


You'll have a hard time keeping up in a conversation, knowing what you're going to talk about, maintain focus, or follow written and oral instructions. You may also have difficulties with mental calculations.


You'll have a hard time remembering what just happened, what happened yesterday, last week, or what someone has just said. It can also be challenging being on time or know what day or year it is. Remembering what was said in a conversation and the names of people you know can be difficult. You forget meetings, appointments, or invitations.


You'll have trouble recollecting and understanding words. You use rewrites or simplifications of words. It can also be difficult to speak a foreign language you used to master well.

Executive functions

You feel listless and find it difficult to do what you've set out to do. You find it challenging to solveing tasks like paying bills, using credit cards, following an instruction manual, or using appliances.

Spatial perception

You'll have trouble getting around in environments familiar to you as well as in new settings. You may find it difficult to drive or park your car, especially in the dark. You may also find it challenging to adjust body movements, such as sitting down on a chair or drawing three-dimensional shapes.


Your personality, habits, and behaviors change. You experience changes in mood, such as sadness, irritation, or reduced energy. You may become more impulsive, have difficulty perceiving social signals, become more inhibited, emotional, or feeling more indifferent. You may also get more upset and angry than you usually would get.


Available in tablets and smart phones

Health history

Tell us about your situation and health status by answering a number of questions. This is important to create understanding of any problems and what may be the cause of them.

Read more under "Research and evidence".

Cognitive tests

Responsiveness, short-term memory and linguistic ability are some examples of features that we examine through these tests.
Read more under "Research and evidence".

Family's perspective

Relatives' story is an important part of a memory investigation and the evaluation of cognitive disorders. A close relative, friend or partner has the opportunity to answer questions to contribute their perspective.

Read more under "Research and evidence".

Keep your brain healthy

This tool is based on the latest research and guides and supports you towards a lifestyle that promotes your brain health.

Read more under "Keep your brain healthy" and "Research and evidence".

What happens after you complete the digital memory investigation?

After completing all the parts, our specialist doctors will look further at the results in detail. Next, you will receive feedback containing:

  • Summarized results and opinion on your brain health
  • Advice on what you can do to keep your brain healthy
  • Guidance and advice on possible need for further investigation through a health centre

If your results indicate that there is a reason for further investigation, you should also take the report to your health centre. The content is developed by a specialist and will be of great help to your GP at the health centre, so that you have access to the best possible care. 

Why is it important to detect impaired brain health early?

Impaired memory may, but must not, be the beginning of dementia. Many people who develop dementia initially have milder symptoms, known as mild cognitive impairment. But not everyone with mild cognitive impairment develops dementia. Other treatable diseases such as disturbed thyroid function or depression can cause similar symptoms and should therefore be identified and treated early.

The research suggests that it is valuable to minimize risk factors and treat, for example, the risk factors. Alzheimer's disease early in the course of the disease. You can read more about treatment and specific diseases under "About the brain" and "Diseases".

The latest research also shows that changing certain habits early in life reduces the risk of suffering from cognitive disease and dementia. It is also possible to improve cognitive functions through lifestyle-related measures linked to diet, exercise, social interaction and brain training.

Read more under "Keep your brain healthy. "

Not everyone feels comfortable going to a memorial clinic at the hospital. Often, waiting times are also long to get an assessment of their memory problems. It can also feel calmer to test your memory in a safe home environment. If you recognize yourself in this, you may Minnesmottagningen .se may be something for you.

The goal of our digital memory assessment is that everyone who wants to, in an easy way, have access to an initial professional medical assessment of their brain health, cognitive status, and, if necessary, put measures and treatment in place early in the process.

Better brain health for everyone - quite simply.

Clinical evidence

The Memory Reception app is a cognitive assessment aid, developed by Geras Solutions and clinically tested at Karolinska University Hospital. The app is a CE-marked medical device with a cognitive test battery, but the app also includes several other established frameworks for assessing different aspects related to brain health.

Read more about the underlying research and clinical studies at
Research & evidence".

We help those who experience memory problems

With extensive experience in helping individuals with concerns about cognitive disorders, we offer digital assessment. You can see a specialist right away - from the comfort of your own home.
We help you improve your brain health
We offer digital assessment and risk analysis for dementia. You will see a specialist directly and regardless of the results, we will help you with a tailored treatment. Welcome to a modern memory clinic.
Patient fee: 300kr


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