The importance of early investigation  

Memory impairment can, but need not, be the beginning of dementia. It is therefore very important to investigate the cause of cognitive difficulties. In many cases, a treatable cause can be found, such as B12 deficiency or something called normal pressure hydrocephalus. Treatment can then often alleviate or even cure the problems.

Many people who develop dementia initially have milder problems, known as mild cognitive impairment. But not everyone with mild cognitive impairment develops dementia.

It has been possible to identify risk factors that increase the risk of an individual suffering from dementia, and addressing these can reduce the risk of developing dementia later in life. You can read more about this under the heading "Keep your brain healthy".

With the right diagnosis made in time, it is possible to get the right type of treatment and the right type of support, at the right time. This applies both as a patient but also as a family member. A dementia diagnosis often means a major adjustment for both the person affected and the people around them.

There are currently a few approved drugs for the treatment of problems associated with dementia. You can read about these under the heading "Diseases" and "Treatment" here on our website. The effects of different treatments are individual and usually have the best effect if they are started in time.

In the future, other drugs may be available; at present there are several drugs that target the actual onset of the problem, but none of these are yet approved for use in Europe. In studies, these have been shown to act as a brake drug, i.e. actually slow down the development of Alzheimer's disease. The first of these drugs is expected to become available in Europe in the coming years.

Not everyone feels comfortable having a memory assessment at a health center/hospital. There are often long waiting times for an assessment of perceived memory problems.

It may feel more comfortable to test your memory in a safe home environment. If you recognize yourself in this, may be something for you.

The goal of our digital memory assessment is that everyone who wants to, in a simple way, get access to a first professional medical assessment of their brain health, their cognitive status, and if necessary, help to implement measures and treatment early in the process.

Better brain health for everyone - quite simply.

Mårten Fällman, Medical Doctor, former Medical Director
Updated: 24 Sept, 2024
Published: 7 Aug, 2023

Tests for dementia and Alzheimer's diseaseAbout assessmentBasic dementia assessmentExtended dementia assessmentThe importance of early assessmentTreatment of dementia
We help you improve your brain health
We offer digital assessment and risk analysis for dementia. You will see a specialist directly and regardless of the results, we will help you with a tailored treatment. Welcome to a modern memory clinic.
Patient fee: 300kr