About investigation

An investigation for a suspected cognitive disease/dementia always contains several pieces of the puzzle.

This is because there is currently no single test or simple test to get a quick answer.

In simple terms, the assessment can be divided into a basic dementia assessment and an extended dementia assessment. There are national guidelines and care pathways that determine what should be included.

The basic assessment is usually carried out in primary care and the extended assessment is carried out at a specialized memory clinic or cognitive clinic if the basic assessment is not enough to understand what the problems are due to.

Simon Körösi, Medical Doctor, Medical Director Minnesmottagningen.se
Updated: 24 Sept, 2024
Published: 7 Aug, 2023 by Mårten Fällman, Medical Doctor, former Medical Director Minnesmottagningen.se

Tests for dementia and Alzheimer's diseaseAbout assessmentBasic dementia assessmentExtended dementia assessmentThe importance of early assessmentTreatment of dementia
We help you improve your brain health
We offer digital assessment and risk analysis for dementia. You will see a specialist directly and regardless of the results, we will help you with a tailored treatment. Welcome to a modern memory clinic.
Patient fee: 300kr