Geras Solutions is a proud partner of the Queen Silvia Nursing Award awarded to Caroline Bjarnevi with the theme "Ideas for improving elderly and dementia care"

The Queen Silvia Nursing Award is an annual award to nurses and nursing students who submit ideas on how to improve elderly and dementia care. The award was established by Swedish Care International and the Forum for Elderly Care in 2012 and is supported by Her Majesty Queen Silvia.


Geras Solutions,proud partner of the Queen Silvia Nursing Award, would like to congratulate the 2021 winner, Caroline Bjarnevi, and pay tribute to her idea that, with respect for autonomy and the needs of the individual, will be able to spread joy and promote health. The laureate has in a unique and ingeniously simple way brought out the core of nursing with a holistic thinking over the life perspective with memories in focus."


Nursing student Caroline Bjarnevi is the 9th winner of the Queen Silvia Nursing Award in Sweden. Caroline's winning idea "Memory Album with Music" captured the hearts of the Swedish partner group with its combination of a classic handheld book and an e-book that can be personified with photographs and audio recordings to stimulate memories for people who are isolated or living with a diagnosis of endemicence.


Caroline Bjarnevi is a student at the Red Cross College in Stockholm. She graduates in 2022 and has ambitions to work in palliative care"- I want to be a part of healthcare and make a difference, really- that's my driving force!"


The winner of the Queen Silvia Nursing Award receives a cash prize of SEK 60,000, together with international learning and networking opportunities. The winners will also gather at the Royal Palace in Stockholm in 2022 to attend the main ceremony and receive their diplomas in person from Queen Silvia. Sweden's Caroline Bjarnevi, together with winners from Finland, Poland, Germany, Lithuania, the United States (through the University of Washington) and Sao Paolo State, Brazil, will represent the 2021 winners.

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