New collaboration between Geras Solutions and Likvor AB to drive better diagnostics and care

By combining the techniques and methods of the two companies, specialists in neurology and neurosurgery can get better decision-making basis - for better care.

Geras Solutions and Likvor AB have entered into a cooperation agreement to jointly increase awareness and understanding of the diagnosis of cognitive diseases and dementia. The companies provide complementary products that provide healthcare with better decision-making basis for designing treatment.

With leading researchers from Umeå University Hospital, Likvor has developed advanced methods and systems for an effective assessment of pressure and flow in cerebrospinal fluid related to the disease Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). This is circulatory disorder in the brain/cerebrospinal fluid that mainly affects the elderly population and is confusingly similar to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, which is why many people are misdiagnosed. About 4% of people over the age of 65 are affected and the figure is almost double that of people over the age of 80. NPH is also an underdiagnosed disease as only 20% of patients are diagnosed. Read more about NPH here.

"With the support of Geras Solutions' platform and Minnesmottagningen .se allows patients to get a memory assessment more quickly, which is often an important step in also diagnosing NPH. With Likvor's CELDA System, you get an objective measure that helps in the diagnosis of the treatable NPH disease. So together we work to ensure that measurements and research-based methods provide crucial decision support to specialists in neurology and neurosurgery", says Maria Wallin Wållberg, CEO of Likvor.

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